Calf Pain / Calf Strain

Calf Pain / Calf Strain
Calf pain sometimes called a ‘pulled calf’, is common, especially in sports involving running, jumping, hopping, and landing. A tear in the calf muscle is referred to as a calf strain. This strain happens when the calf muscle is loaded too quickly or too weak for the activity, causing the muscle fibre to pull apart. These strains vary significantly in the degree of damage; first-degree, second-degree, or third-degree.

Symptoms & Causes of ​​Calf Pain / Calf Strain
The symptoms of calf pain / calf strain are:
First-degree strain (Mild)
May or may not present any symptoms until after activity has ceased
Cramps or tightness
Sharp pain at the time of activity or after
May be able to continue the activity, with or without mild discomfort
Aching after activity
Unable to pinpoint it to one specific spot in the calf
Second-degree strain (Moderate)
Hear a 'pop' sound or snap when it happens
Sore to touch
Sharp pain in the calf when carrying out the activity
Unable to continue the activity
Significant pain with walking afterward
Mild to moderate bruising
Third-degree strain (Severe)
Hearing a loud pop, snap when it happens
Burning or stabbing pain
Severe and immediate pain in the calf
Unable to continue with the activity
May present with considerable bruising and swelling within hours of injury
Able to pinpoint and see the two loose ends of the torn calf muscle
Gap visible
​The causes of calf pain / calf strain are:
Overloading weight on the calf
Overstretching on calf muscles
Weakness or fatigue on calf muscles
Overusing of calf muscles
Excessive stretching on calf muscles
Shoes with poor support

Treatment for ​​​Calf Pain / Calf Strain
Our physiotherapists at Fizo Kare Physiotherapy Centre will focus on pain management and accelerating healing. A muscle tear can reattach successfully if treatments and protection are done to the muscles. We will also gradually progress on rehabilitation exercises for the muscles to regain full functionality and prevent further injuries.