Knee Injury & Pain

​Knee Injury & Pain
Knee pain is a common complaint affecting people of all ages, especially athletes, sports players, and the elderly. This pain can affect movements and even debilitate them in some circumstances.
Growing children that experience knee pain will reduce their participation in physical activities and lead to other problems later in life. In addition, developmental changes (changes in the posture of the knees) can affect their knees' function.

Symptoms & Causes of ​​Knee Injury & Pain
The symptoms of knee injury & pain are:
Swelling and stiffness
Redness and warmth to the touch on the knees
Popping and crunching noises
Unable to bend or fully straighten the knee
Weakness or instability
​The causes of knee injury & pain are:
Lack of physical activities
Being obese
Overuse or misuse of the knee joint
Muscles imbalance around the knee(s)
Hormonal changes
Previous injury or defect

Treatment for ​Knee Injury & Pain
Our physiotherapists at Fizo Kare Physiotherapy Centre can help to reduce knee pain significantly. In addition, we will also help improve the mobility of the knee and flexibility of the leg. We will relieve the stiffness in the knee and reduce the stress upon the joints in the knee. We will also rebuild the knee joint muscles to prevent further knee or leg injuries.