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Solemates by Fizo Kare – Custom Insoles Tailored for You

Step into Comfort and Support Designed for Your Feet.

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Solemates can be customized for anyone. Even if you don’t have a medical condition. As long as you’re a fan of comfortable feet, good posture, and an active lifestyle, you deserve a pair of Solemates.

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1 in 3 children suffer from at least one foot problem. And most parents don’t know that their children are among them. Custom insoles can help solve those issues.

Children’s feet are still developing and it’s important to provide proper support so that they can grow the right way. Children without proper foot support like custom insoles can develop conditions like flat feet or over pronated feet that affect physical performance.

Suffer from lower back / knee pain? Custom insoles can help reduce pain caused by poor foot mechanics. A review by Journal of Foot and Ankle Research found that custom insoles led to significant improvements in pain and disability among individuals with chronic lower back / knee pain.

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Solemates embrace technology and the future to provide a better experience. Our machines are powered by German AI technology and can provide a detailed analysis of your feet and lower limbs. We will then customize the insoles based on your unique data (1mm accuracy) and preferred lifestyle. All in less than 20 minutes!

Solemates by FizoKare- You deserve to move comfortably and live an active life with Solema
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