Wrist, Hand Injuries & Pain

Wrist, Hand Injuries & Pain
When your wrists and hands are injured, basic and daily activities such as typing on the keyboard, lifting a mug of coffee, or playing badminton might become difficult.

Symptoms & Causes of ​Wrist, Hand Injuries & Pain
Some wrist, hand injuries & pain symptoms are:
Pain and tenderness
Reduced range of motion
Loss of feeling in your hand or fingers
Heat/warmth on the wrist or hand
​The causes of wrist, hand injuries & pain are:
Work or projects around the home, especially if using machinery such as lawn mowers, snow blowers, or hand tools
Accidental falls
A fracture to one of the eight small bones in your wrist
Damage to tendons (the bands of tissue that attach muscles to bones)
Damage to ligaments (the bands of tissue that hold bones together at the joint)
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Ganglion cyst
Dupuytren’s contracture
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis

Treatment for ​Wrist, Hand Injuries & Pain
Our physiotherapists at Fizo Kare Physiotherapy Centre have the expertise in caring for injuries and painful conditions of the wrist and hand. We will give the best-customised treatment plan, considering short and long-term damage, deformities, and stiffness.